Gold Impossible Paydirt
Gold Impossible Paydirt
Only available in Klesh Panning Experience bundles
Watch the Description video below for Klesh Gold Impossible Paydirt!
I’ve engineered this Paydirt to challenge you, and keep you busy for a couple hours!
There will be lots of “heavies” and “annoyances” such as Crushed Pyrite (fools gold), Tungsten powder (super heavy!) and Fine Garnet sand with some super fine flour gold and WET Washington Beach magnetic AND non-magnetic black sands in the Gold Impossible Bags.
The contents of Impossible bags are shipped wet adding another layer of difficulty, making the magnetic material even more difficult to remove. Not that it would help, since about half of the heavies aren’t magnetic anyway!
Certainly a great challenge for yourself and you’ll get your money’s worth if you’re looking for “hours of fun”.
I have added OVER 0.25 Grams of Gold to each Impossible bag. Some bags have much more gold and a nice big gold nugget thrown in - I call these “Bonus Bags”.
Difficulty is rated 10 out of 10
I recommend doing any of my other paydirt products before attempting the “Impossible” bag.
*Gold Impossible Paydirt is not representative of a true Colorado panning experience, however our repeat buying customers say it’s the best thing ever, take a look below at some of the photos and reviews written by our customers.
Don’t forget to get a Gold Nugget, Gold Panning Kit, Decal or Shirt before checking out!
All Gold Paydirt from is mined directly from natural gold bearing rivers and dry creek beds in Colorado (and Washington State Black Sand Beaches for Impossible bags) which means there could be pieces of sharp glass or metal pieces so please keep that in mind.