Gems and Minerals Discovery Paydirt

Gems and Minerals Discovery Paydirt
Only available in Klesh Panning Experience bundles
Watch the Description video below for Klesh Gems & Mineral Paydirt!
Lots of different Natural Gems & Minerals!
Every bag will contain more than 10 different types of unpolished natural gems and minerals from the list below. In addition, most bags will likely contain a small amount of real gold that you can find by panning like a “normal” paydirt, and almost all bags have at least a few VERY TINY diamonds, so take your time with the small stuff - Also don’t forget to add a panning kit to your cart to make it easy!
Gem and Mineral ID Chart
The Discovery bags are the least difficult of my paydirt products. You can simply dry classify to 1/4” directly from the bag and get about 75% of the gemstones separated from the dirt. Closer inspection will reveal even more, smaller pieces. Diamonds and small garnets will be easiest found when panning, but the diamonds will be very difficult to find. Don’t worry, if you can’t find them, they’re not super valuable. The Discovery bags will be hours of fun for all ages!
If you’re lucky, you’ll get a “Bonus bag” - Bonus Bags will contain a large gold nugget or a valuable faceted gemstone! Chances for a bonus bag are random.
Partial list of gems and minerals you can find in your Discovery bag:
Agate - South Dakota, USA, Amethyst -Brazil, Amber - Columbia, Amazonite - Colorado, USA, Anthracite (coal) - Pennsylvania, USA, Apatite (Blue) - Madagascar, Aquamarine - Afghanistan, Bismuth, Calcite (orange, blue and green), Chalcedony (South Dakota, USA), Chalcopyrite, Copper, Diamond, Citrine, Emerald (Brazil), Fluorite, Garnet, Gold (USA), Hematite, Jasper (South Dakota, USA), Kyanite, Magnetite, Mica(Colorado), Peridot, Pyrite (USA), Quartz (USA), Rose Quartz, Ruby (Africa), Silver, Sulfur, Tourmaline, Turquoise (Mexico)
Don’t forget to get a Gold Nugget, Gold Panning Kit, Decal or Shirt before checking out!
All Gold Paydirt from is mined directly from natural gold bearing rivers and dry creek beds in Colorado which means there could be pieces of sharp glass or metal pieces so please keep that in mind.